Le Restaurant
Trophée du tourisme 2001-2002, the gastronomic restaurant of the Auberge de la Montagne Pelée is recognized throughout Martinique.
Its mixed restoration, French and Creole, makes it one of the most appreciated addresses of the island, attended by the personalities of the political life.
Open for lunch and dinner, the restaurant proposes for example its "cassolette de chatrou", the house specialty or its "hot-air balloons of Saint-Jacques".
Receptions and Events
The Auberge de la Montagne Pelée's restaurant can be rented for a wedding, baptism or birthday.
One hundred to one hundred and fifty people, the team will provide a typical Creole buffet with a custom decoration.
Receptions and Events
The Auberge de la Montagne Pelée's restaurant can be rented for a wedding, baptism or birthday.
One hundred to one hundred and fifty people, the team will provide a typical Creole buffet with a custom decoration.
12h00 to 16h00 .
Route de la Montagne Pelée
Route de l'Aileron
97260 Le Morne rouge
(+596) 0596 523 209
©2024 - Auberge De La Montagne Pelée